Sunday, October 23, 2016

Harry Potter and the Angry Feminist

On Wednesday I was in my lecture and our topic for the day was 'arguments in essays' and what does and doesn't qualify as an argument. 

Argument: Putting across your 'opinion' with enough proof to back up what you are saying.

Not an Argument: Putting across your 'opinion' because it is something that you do not agree with or because it is something that somebody has said; and you will not give evidence to back up said 'opinion'.

Our task for that lecture was to read through two different perspectives as to whether or not J.K. Rowling uses gender identity to give the men more power in the Harry Potter series. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I am a massive Harry Potter Enthusiast; NOTE: me having watched the films a billion times and knowing, word-to-word, the first page of each of the books #HarryPotterGeek. Therefore, my opinions had a 90% chance of being biased anyway. Although, the whole concept of the first passage outraged me. 

In order for this blog post to make more sense I will post exactly what we were given...

As you can see above, Heilman suggests that Hermione was stood in fear and "couldn't move" when she was faced by a huge troll, and that Ron and Harry then "bravely" went after Hermione and defeated the troll. Now, this is where I my gears really did get grind. Heilman clearly did not have full knowledge of the Harry Potter series and here is why:

    • Firstly, Hermione had just overheard Ron and Harry having a rant about her (now, she was eleven years old and would obviously get upset; especially when they are her only friends at this point). This is why she was in the toilets in the first place, and as she was upset and OBVIOUSLY not expecting a troll to come storming its way into her school (Hogwarts or not), she did not take her wand with her. Now, when a twelve-foot troll comes charging at you attacking the toilets that you are in, what are you meant to do when you do not have magic to stand up for yourself? You run, hide, and would be particularly terrified. Heilman, this is not J.K. Rowling gender stereotyping, this is what anybody would do.
    • Secondly, Harry and Ron did not "respond bravely and effectively". They ran into the toilets, saw the troll and absolutely, pardon my French, SHIT themselves. Ron panicked and started whining, and Harry jumped on the troll's back and stuck his wand up the troll's nose whilst screaming. Now, I don't know about you but this is not responding effectively. I will give it to them, yes, saving their friend from a troll was pretty brave. But that does not excuse the fact that they were just a terrified as Hermione and acted in fear, not in bravery. Which leads me on to the actual defeating of the troll. Although Ron was the one to knock the troll out, it was Hermione's guidance that made him think to do this. So even in times of fear and absolute vulnerability, Hermione is still the one to take lead and guide the boys on HOW to save her.
    • Thirdly, SHE WAS ELEVEN PIGGIN' YEARS OLD! Who would not be scared at this point? Girl or boy, Witch or Wizard, old or young, smart or dumb, you would be completely and utterly petrified!
    • Finally, I can recount numerous times in which Hermione saved the boys, and that is in that book alone.
On a side note, can I please mention how the weaker characters in the book are men who have to find themselves and grow as characters along the series of books before their strength is even shown e.g. Professor Filch and Neville Longbottom.

However, this is not me saying that the evidence Heilman chose did not help with the argument that they were conveying, because yes, in that instance Hermione is depicted as the 'damsel in distress'. But, this is not J.K. Rowling gender stereotyping.  Therefore, I am merely saying that the extract is so much further from what Heilman thinks it to be, and if wanting a valid argument should have given more evidence than two scenes from the book. 

*Disclaimer: This is not me, in any way, being negative towards Heilman as a writer, it is me merely becoming over-sensitive towards the subject of Harry Potter. Heilman's evidence given is a good example to back up the argument put forward, it just needed background information before saying some of the chosen words.*

*Disclaimer 2: I do understand that my opinions may be slightly biased due to me having this extreme feeling of protectiveness towards Harry Potter. Which, in my opinion, is one of the greatest book series to EVER be written.*

P.S - Please feel free to comment who's side you are on. Do you agree with Heilman and think that J.K. Rowling gender stereotypes? Or do you completely disagree with Heilman's argument that was put forward?

With Love, Jessica

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome

I have already started off my blog on an ironic note; "A Warm Welcome". There is nothing at all warm about this time of year. I am currently sat here in the biggest and fluffiest socks you ever did see, with my thick, fluffy Christmas pyjamas on, and my dressing gown. May I add that I am also curled up in a ball on the edge of my bed with my duvet wrapped around me. Yes, I am currently colder than the snow that never seems to fall when we want it to in Britain. Anyway, I am getting completely sidetracked... Welcome to my blog.

My name is Jessica Perks and I invite you into my fun-filled boring, and cold life. I'm just kidding, I can actually be quite spontaneous and fun... just you wait until my blogs about camping! 

For visual purposes, this is me...

A little bit about me...

Although it may seem like I just moan ALL the time, I can assure you I don't. I am just extremely stressed at the moment; you know, just starting university and all. People tend to really underestimate the first few weeks of university questioning how anyone could get stressed when you have only been there 16 days (how long I have been here for). But, in my 16 days here I have already had to read 12 books. 12 BOOKS! That is nearly a book a day, and on top of that I have also had 6 pieces of work to hand in (some of those had to be uploaded ONE HOUR LATER!). *Round of applause to me for actually getting those done*... Thank you, thank you. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked again. I will do that a lot, and it is something that you will all just get used to in time. I am studying English Language and Creative and Professional Writing at the University of Wolverhampton, and love the IKEA scented berry candles (I currently have two of them lit whilst writing this blog) I am 18 years of age, and if it is girly, has flowers, or is Christmas related, I will love it! Speaking of Christmas, as it is getting closer and closer to the big day, expect LOADS of baking posts. Food is my passion. Who doesn't love eating food? And to finish this off, I am a massive self-confessed shoeaholic!

Princess Tess
Me and just a few of my penguins
Christmas AND penguins. All a girl needs!

Rusty before she was re-homed :(

This pretty much explains it all about University...

Camping, and feeling more than happy that I fit into a size 11-12 jacket

S'mores. They make me happy!!

What to expect on this Blog...

Naturally this blog is going to be filled with pretty much what I spoke about above:
  • Food (anything from eating out, to recipes)
  • Shoes, shoes... and more shoes!
  • Outings
  • Camping
  • My boyfriend (as 90% of my time is spent with him)
  • Candles
  • Disney
  • Boybands (McFly and One Direction personally make me drool more than necessary)
  • Penguins
  • Animals (I am the type to stop...scream... cry a little... and attack whoever is closest to me at the sight of the cute and usually furry creatures that walk our earth)
  • University (expect loads of university posts; including how to revise, de-stress, and tips to get you through this hard and penniless time of your life).
Now that the explaining section is out of the way, I will try to upload once a week; most likely on a Sunday but, we will see how it all pans out first.

Once again, welcome to my blog. I hope you find a cosy, comforting space in this section of the internet that is my crazy life.

With Love, Jessica